Value Across Payers Resources

Medicare Advantage and Considerations for At-Risk Providers

NAACOS is joined by Simon Moody, Principle and Consulting Actuary with Milliman, to review why understanding the bids process is important, what MA headwinds will be faced, and insights on Part D risk.

MA Current Landscape and Future Reform

Rob Saunders, Sr. Research Dir. of Health Care Transformation from Duke Margolis, covers Medicare Advantage trends and overview.

Medicare Advantage

This section includes resources on key regulatory issues on Medicare Advantage (MA), including Proposed and Final Rules, Advance Notice, Rate Announcements, etc.

NAACOS member resources

NAACOS public resources

CMS resources


CY26 MA Advance Notice

CY26 MA Final Rule:

  • TBD

CY26 Rate Announcement

  • TBD

CY26 MA Proposed Rule:

CY26 MA Advance Notice:

CY26 MA Final Rule:

  • TBD

CY26 Rate Announcement

  • TBD


CY26 MA Proposed Rule:

Request for Information on Medicare Advantage Data:

CY26 MA Proposed Rule: