News Release
March 19, 2024

NAACOS Statement on ACO Primary Care Flex Model

Attributed to Clif Gaus, Sc.D., President and CEO of the National Association of ACOs

The National Association of ACOs (NAACOS) applauds CMS for launching the ACO Primary Care Flex model, which will allow Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) ACOs to offer prospective population-based payments for primary care. NAACOS has been advocating for this approach, which will bolster primary care practices in ACOs. Shifting to prospective payments provides primary care practices with stable and predictable cash flow needed to transform care delivery and provide comprehensive, team-based care. For more than a decade, the ACO model has improved beneficiary outcomes, generated savings to Medicare and allowed practices to invest shared savings into innovation and patient care. This model builds on the success of MSSP while recognizing we must continue to evolve the program in order to grow the program.

While we are extremely pleased with the model, we ask that CMS reconsider excluding high-revenue ACOs, which prevents independent primary care practices who have partnered with their local health systems from taking advantage of these much needed innovations. The premise of ACOs is to bring together providers from across the continuum of care to provide improved care for beneficiaries.


David Pittman
Director, Communications and Regulatory Affairs
202-640-2689 or