Learning Labs

Learning Labs are a new educational activity for members designed to provide a deep dive into fundamental strategies in accountable care and to foster exchange among peers with frontline experience. These interactive “labs” will include expert presentations, experiences from member ACOs, brainstorming activities, and peer-led collaborations. NAACOS will be an active partner in these Learning Labs to understand what additional resources and tools members need to work through various administrative, operational, and transformational processes.

Practice Transformation to Support Population Health and
Value Based Care

This NAACOS learning lab will focus on the ways to transform your fee-for-service medical practice, team structure and functions into one that supports both patients and providers under a value-based care model based on patient centered care and population health best practices. The learning discussions will not stop there as topics will go beyond the office setting to include home care models and serving beneficiaries during ED and Hospital admission transitions.

The Practice Transformation Learning Lab will run from June 2024 to May 2025 and will cover topics from assessing practice readiness, planning, and implementing changes to advanced care models such hospital at home, and utilizing paramedics, pharmacists, and behavioral health providers in primary care models. These topics will be discussed in monthly 90-minute Zoom meetings, that are open to ACO members. The full list of topics include:

  • Where to start in practice transformation
  • Managing the care team: Taking action on practice redesign
  • Understanding available population health data
  • Combining data for population health initiatives
  • Developing or redesigning clinical care models
  • Population health tools: What works for your practice/ACO
  • Payor/Provider contracts and financial distribution models
  • Managing ED and hospital events
  • Developing a post-acute network
  • Advanced care models (home care, BH, SDOH support)

The Practice Transformation Learning Lab sessions will be held on the fourth Friday of each month from 12:00 pm ET to 1:30 pm ET.

Register today to receive the link to the monthly calls starting June 28, 2024.

If a representative from your ACO has expertise to present or would like to take a more active role in either of the learning labs, please reach out to Melody Danko-Holsomback, VP of Education, [email protected].