2021 Boot Camp Agenda

Day One – Jan 26

Slide Files



Identifying the Best VBC Model/Track for Your Organization

  • Review of the key factors and data elements most critical in evaluating and selecting the optimal payment model for your organization.
  • Focus on specific data sets and analysis needed to evaluate risk and reward.
  • impact of risk adjustment methodologies and other important considerations related to value-based contracting when selecting reimbursement payment model.

Colleen Norris and Anders Larson, Milliman

Using Data to Understand Your Position and Plan Your Future

  • Using Available Data: ACO Use Cases on the CMS Portal
  • NAACOS Data Sources (BCAPA, QP and more)

Rob Mechanic and Jen Perloff, Institute for Accountable Care and Maria Nikols and Amy Kotch, Salient Healthcare

Setting up and Maintaining Chronic Care Management Programs

  • ACO case study of CCM program and the lessons learned in establishing it and reaching the break-even point with fee for service revenue

Stephen Nuckolls, Coastal Carolina Quality Care

David Pittman, NAACOS; Dave Ault, Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP; Joseph Bartman, Trinity Health

Day One – Jan 27

Physician Comp: Going Beyond RVUs on the Road to Value

  • Production vs. capitation
  • Evolving metrics such as total medical expense, panel size, quality scores and patient engagement
  • Update on MPFS
  • Using bonuses

Kim Kauffman, Best Value Healthcare; Mike Sheehy, Reliant Medical Group; Mark Vorherr, Mount Carmel Health System

Achieving Advanced APM “QP” Thresholds

  • What are leading ACOs doing to ensure they meet the Qualifying APM Participant (QP) thresholds to earn 5% Advanced APM bonuses?
  • Basics, metrics, regulations
  • ACO case study showing the strategy, tradeoffs, and implementation best practices as well as use of bonus funds

Allison Brennan, NAACOS; Rob Mechanic, Institute for Accountable Care; and Anthony Reed, Ascension

Succeeding with Commercial Contracts: From Negotiating Contracts to Designing/Maintaining Your Program

  • Negotiating contracts,
  • Understanding attribution differences,
  • Calculating total medical expense, and
  • Setting up and monitoring your program. 

Tom Kloos, Atlantic ACO and Optimus Healthcare; Ian Cronin and Tim Ford, Atlantic Health System